Thanks to your many generous donations, we collected $4,607.07
for this year’s fireworks. Show will be BIGGER than last year.
The fireworks will be shot off at dusk (approximately 10 p.m.)
from the Gunkel Farm on the west end of the lake.
7:00 PM – The Boat Parade. Entries are being accepted now until the start of the parade. Early entries are appreciated. Sign-up sheet, boat numbers and staging are at the Wolters’ residence, 2442 Crockery Shores Road, on the north side of the lake. If you have questions, please contact Pat Wolters at 616.887.8707. Please arrive by 6:50pm to line up. Judges will remain anonymous and will be stationed around the lake. The parade will make two complete laps in a counter clockwise direction around the lake. Winners will be notified the next day. Prizes include: $100 for first place, $50 for second place, and $25 for third place. (Note: only CLA member entries are eligible for prize money).
9:45PM – The Ring of Fire. Light your candles, line them at the edge of your yard, and participate in this special tradition. Candles are available for purchase at any board member’s house for just $1/each.
10:00PMish – The Firework Show. Carl Elliott and Tom Ludwick will start the fireworks display. Invite your friends and family to enjoy the show, made possible ENTIRELY by your private donations! Thank you everyone!
Help us give a special thanks to the Gunckel family who graciously allow us to utilize their land at the west end of the lake for the fireworks display every year, along with Carl Elliot and Tom Ludwick for their extra efforts. Our celebration would not be possible without their support!
Volunteers are needed! July 3 - 9:00 a.m. until approximately noon. The mortar racks weigh from 40-60 lbs, so you must be able to lift both to set up and to store the mortar racks. July 4 - 9:00 a.m. until done. Lighter work involved to clean up debris from shooting off fireworks and mortars need to be loaded on a trailer. Please plan to show up and help. Many hands make light work. Please bring your own garbage bags. This is strictly volunteer per Wolverine. You will not be covered by any insurance. Questions? Call Carl Elliott at 616.822.9250.
Check your water to see if it is safe to drink! Pick one up from Pat Wolter’s porch.
The 2019 Fireworks donation drive is underway. So far, we have collected $590 towards our goal of $5,000. Watch the thermometer on the Crockery Lake web page to see our progress.
• How to pay with Credit or Debit. Go to https://rally.org/crockerylakefw Click contribute, and follow their directions on how to input your information.
• How to pay with cash or check. Mail to: Bob Blauwkamp, 2380 Crockery Shores Road, Casnovia MI 49318. Give cash or check to your board rep when they visit you in June
The money goes directly into the 2019 CLA Fireworks Fund account. All funds received will be used for the fireworks. There is a 5% charge for each credit card transaction. The donee can decide to pay the fee in addition to their donation or have it deducted from their donation.
Well-attended by lake residents. Our speaker was Jaimee Conroy of Professional Lake Management. She gave an overall report on what treatments are scheduled for this year. Three treatments—2 weed and 3 algae plus muck pellets and a year-end survey. They saw no exotics at end of last year; we have increased the types of native plants in the lake—there are 12 now. Eel grass is a problem. There is no permanent treatment that can be done to eradicate it. She suggested pulling it by hand where possible. We are a couple of weeks behind in the growing season for this year. They will do the milfoil treatment in 2-3 weeks. If the CLMP program is terminated, PLM is able to do testing for us. She does not feel Phos testing is necessary for us at this time, the cost would be $500.00.
Questions posed to Jaimee Conroy:
Diquat is used in our lake. What does it do? Where are we using it in the lake?
Diquat attacks the top of the plant but does not kill the root. Curley leaf pondweed and milfoil are treated in approximately 18 acres of the lake.
What does PLM use to treat algae? What can residents do to help reduce level?
We use CClear. The chemical binds to algae and helps reduce amount of algae and reoccurance of future algae blooms. The chemical is organic.
Muck Pellets. Why are we using them and results?
Our 3-year results show a significant amount of muck reduction is areas treated. Residents who use muck pellets in their swim areas have also seen a significant amount of reduction of muck.
Eel grass. What can be done to control it? What are other lakes doing?
There is no good herbicide to kill eel grass. There are chemicals that will “lay down” the grass for approximately 2 weeks after treatment, but the grass comes right back up. Options: Harvesting—but it grows back just like grass (and is very expensive), or pulling the grass yourself.
What is the difference between milfoil and coontail?
Milfoil has a red tip and is coarser. Milfoil spreads by fragmentation, coontail does not. Because of controlled treatments in past years, there are no significant milfoil beds in the lake.
What would happen if no chemical treatments were made on the lake?
Milfoil would continue to spread and create new beds. It will create a canopy which will take over all areas of the lake where it is possible to grow out of the muck.
Guesstimate how long it would take for the majority of the lake to be choked out with weeds if weed treatments were discontinued?
Because of the high organic sediment in the lake—I would guess 5 years.
Are there other ways to reduce the phosphorous in the lake?
Alum treatments—which are very expensive ($250,000) and they only last about 9 years. Sewer system—if all septics are in good working order, sewer not necessary. The reality is most lakes have at least 25% of their septic systems not working—this creates more phosphorous. Settling ponds work well to “treat” incoming water from our many drains. (The Drain Commission is working on this problem as we speak). If you are not interested in putting a sewer system around the lake, it is your responsibility as a riparian to keep your septic system in good working order. This means having your drain field checked to assure it is properly filtering your gray water.
The Revised Dock/Funneling Ordinance was reviewed section by section and comments were elicited from those in attendance. The overwhelming majority of those in attendance requested a deletion of Section 9—Setback of Docks 10 feet from the property lines and 2 foot setback of any articles placed on the shoreline and Section 12 Boat Ramps.
Other comments included: (1) add a definition of “pier”; (2) Section 5 “or on the shore” is new language—does this mean only 3 registered watercraft on the shore AND in the water?; Section 6D—change from “owned by the owner of the lake property” to just 3 registered watercraft—ownership by owner of lake property not required; (4) clarification of “impede navigation”; (5) clarification of what a “stabling structure” is; (6) addition of the word “overnight”; (7) Addition of “Intent” for each section; (8) request of a special policy in writing regarding how this lake ordinance will be enforced.
The CLA Board will be mailing residents who own lakefront property or have an easement, an opinion poll. We urge you to please take the time to complete the form together with any positive/negative thoughts you have and mail it back to the CLA Board in the stamped, self-addressed envelope provided. The results will be tallied and a letter will be send to the Township with the results. We think this is the best way to get an unbiased opinion from the majority concerned. The Township will schedule a special meeting to discuss our tabulated results.
Carl Elliott and Betsy Ludwick will replace Del Deur and Sue McClure on the CLA Board. Thanks to Del and Sue for their and work this past year! Bruce Callen, President; Pat Wolters, Vice President; Linda Lane, Secretary; Bob Blauwkamp, Treasurer
June 20, July 18, August 15. All take place at Bruce Callen’s home—2379 VanDyke—everyone is welcome!
We listen to your suggestions!
There have been requests to include both the Treasurer’s Monthly Report and the CLA Board Minutes in the newsletters. Please see them below:
o Balance in checking account-general fund: $671.53; Expenses: newsletter copies: $49.15; ML&SA Association Membership: $110.00; MLSA Water Testing: $252.00. Supplies: $1.40. 2018 Fireworks total: $4,682.57.
Board Members Present: Bruce Callen, Dennis Arms, Del Deur, Linda Rexford, Bob Blauwkamp, Pat Wolters, and Linda Lane. Absent: Sue McClure | Guests: Six lake residents
Called meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. at 2379 VanDyke, Conklin, Michigan.Amended Agenda Approved with addition of Shoreland Stewards. (Motion by Pat Wolters; seconded by Del Deur). Motion carried.
Secretary Report for March 2018 Approved. (Motion by Del Deur; seconded by Dennis Arms) Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report Approved. (Motion by Linda Lane; seconded by Linda Rexford). Motion carried.
Dock and Boat Ordinance. The CLA Board was prepared to discuss their final recommended changes to the Dock/Boat Ordinance, but last week the Township approved the Final Draft of the Ordinance which includes the setback provisions. A copy of the Policy and the updated Ordinance will be included in the May newsletter. The newsletter will indicate any questions regarding this Ordinance should be directed to the Township. Per Jodi Hyde, the Ordinance will be placed on Chester Townships webpage next week.
Website/Facebook Update. Township Board meeting dates will be added to the CLA calendar on the web page.
Welcome Packages. Linda has updated the Welcome Packet. She will bring one to the June Board meeting. Jodi Hyde indicated when a land transfer is received by the Township, she will send Linda the new resident’s name and address. This will be very helpful in getting welcome packets to new residents.
CLA Annual Meeting. Date: May 16, 2018. Place: Grose Park Shelter. Dinner: 6:00 p.m. Meeting: 7:00 p.m. Speaker will be Jaimee Conroy from PLM. Questions from attendees is encouraged. Menu: Hot dogs and buns: Pat Wolters; Beans: Linda Lane; Drinks, forks, cups plates: Bruce Callen; Condiments: Linda Rexford; Dessert: Betsy Ludwick. Reviewed. No changes.
2018 Fireworks. Linda Lane reported permit has been signed by Township. A request for the Special Marine Permit has been sent to the DNR. Carl Elliott reported he was able to include 37 more shots for the fireworks this year. Carl needs help with set up and clean up. Linda will send Carl an email asking for specifics to be included in the newsletter.
Fourth of July. We are out of candles. Bob will order a box of 200. Judges - Several people at meeting agreed to serve as judges. Names not included in minutes because supposed to be a secret.
Board Member Statuses/Expirations. Bruce presented a table of Board members and their term expiration dates. It was agreed the term expirations were correct. Board routes will remain the same.
Newsletter Ads. Per Bob Don Scott, Ravenna Lumber and Papa Piconne’s have sent in money for ads for this year. Bruce wants an ad too, but will send Linda his new business card.
Weed Treatment (update on amended PLM Contract). Pat has taken care of this.
Special Assessments. Bruce sent each Board member a copy of the 4 resolutions. This is a lengthy process. This is Board’s top priority for this year. Pat will again ask PLM for projected 30-year budget. Bruce asked anyone present about including CLA dues in special assessment. Most thought this was not a good idea. If a survey is to be included in the special assessment, coordination with Joe Bush at the Drain Commission needs to occur. Bruce will contact Mr. Bush re what would be needed in survey. If the information cannot be gleaned from a telephone call, he will ask Mr. Bush if he could attend our June meeting. Bruce will talk to Jan at the Township some time this month to set up a timeline and flowchart regarding steps that need to be taken in order to get the special assessment project rolling.
Shoreland Stewards. Linda Lane asked if the CLA Association would like to become a member. The purpose of the organization is to inform lakefront property owners of ways to practice shoreline management. They would then be a source of articles for our newsletter and mailers. If there is no fee, the Board decided it would be ok to join. Linda will check on this.
Next meeting: Annual Meeting, Wednesday, May 16, 2018 7:00 p.m. (6:00 p.m. dinner at Grose Park). Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Dates subject to change re: inclement weather conditions.
5.14.18 Spring Survey
5.21.18 Weed & Algae (Optional), Muck Pellet Treatment
6.25.18 Weed & Algae (Optional), Muck Pellet Treatment
7.23.18 Weed & Algae (Optional), Muck Pellet Treatment
8.20.18 Fall Survey, Muck Pellet Treatment
After the Milfoil has been chemically treated, another weed, COONTAIL, will take its place. Coontail looks similar to Milfoil, but does not spread the same way. Feel free to pull out as much Coontail as you can stand!!
Per Professional Lake Management, removal of eelgrass by chemical control is generally not recommended (1) because of oxygen depletion in the water, (2) the disruption of fish habitat, and (3) the chemical treatment will only be effective for 2 weeks—then the eelgrass quickly grows back.
Luckily, eelgrass has shallow roots and it is easy to pull out. The earlier you pull it out, the less work it will be for you. Be a good lake neighbor--like milfoil, be sure to remove all fragments as they may reroot in another spot.
Chuck Lane has found by reducing the muck, he has also reduced the amount of eelgrass growing in his swim area. He buys muck pellets from Professional Lake Management. A $100 bucket will cover an area approximately 50’ x 50’. Apply the pellets once a month. MD Pellets. https://plmcorp.net. They will make arrangements to drop off the pellets at your house so you avoid shipping costs.
JOHN’S TACKLE BOX - Bass fishing is finally here.
Try fishing in the thickest weeds for larger fish. Work pockets in the weeds close to deep water with a drop shot rig. Also try 7-10 inch powerworms in blue fleck. Use lightweight sinkers for a slow drop. Look for dark bottom spots as they warm up faster for bluegills and crappie. Try fishing in 1 to 5 feet of water. Some walleye and a few steelhead were being caught on the Grand River. But it has slowed up some. Within the next few weeks fishing will only get better—so get out there and have fun. If you use live bait, please remember not to dump any leftover bait in the lake.
Aluminum upright paddleboat. Call 887.0490!
Advertisers Corner
Advertising in this newsletter is FREE to Crockery Lake Members. Advertising for business is $25/year. Inclusion of any advertisement in the CLA Newsletter does not equate to an endorsement by the Crockery Lake Association.
• Two teenage boys who live on the lake are looking for summer jobs. We have great references! Contact Zach and Scott Strayer at 887.1001
