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As a board, your Crockery Lake Association keeps watch on the health of the lake. Once a year we hire Professional Lake Management to do a survey and make recommendations. We check oxygen levels, phosphorous Levels, and take Secchi Disc readings, which determine water clarity, as an example. A short explanation of the readings and their meanings are as follows:
2022 Spring Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Report
Secchi Disc Readings
We have taken Secchi Disc readings on our lake since 1992. These readings tell us how our water clarity is, on average, across each year. Numerous conditions can change clarity, so they are taken three to four times each year, which produces the averages noted. This information is then passed on to the Department of Environmental Quality and Michigan Lake and Stream, who also monitors other lakes. We receive reports from them comparing our lake to the others. It should be noted an 8-inch diameter metal disk painted in alternate black and white quadrants is lowered into the lake until the observer loses sight of it. The disk is then raised until it reappears. The depth of the water where the disk vanishes and reappears is the Secchi disk reading. The depth level reading on the tape at the surface level of the lake is recorded to the nearest foot. The Secchi disk measurement of water clarity is an approximate evaluation of the transparency of the water. Secchi disk measurements are one way of monitoring the health of the lake. Michigan inland lakes will have Secchi disk measurements between one and forty feet.
The DEQ’s measurement guidelines for lakes is:
Oligoitrophic (a very healthy body of water, fairly new and in the development stage of life) – greater than 16 feet
Mesotrophic (a healthy body of water, well developed and in the middle of its life) – 6.5 to 16 feet
Eutrophic (an unhealthy body of water, thought of as a dying lake in the later period of its life) – less than 6.5 feet.
By graphing our lake’s measurements over many years, we are able to see if our lake’s water quality is remaining constant, improving or degrading.
Phosphorous Levels
Another substance that strongly affects our water quality is phosphorus. At certain levels phosphorus is good for the lake, providing food for things like plant life and plankton, which affect the food chain within the lake. However, excessive amounts can cause a chain reaction of events that can devastate our lake ecosystem and create health issues for both humans and animals using the lake. If you want to learn more about phosphorus and its affects.
Desolved Oxygen and Temperature Readings
As an association, we also measure the desolved oxygen in our lake. Oxygen is essential for the health of the wildlife and fisheries in the lake. If you would like to know more about Desolved Oxygen, click here to check an informative site out.
We hear about wetlands all the time, but do we understand why there is such an uproar when they get infringed upon? Read this article to learn more about them.
Crockery Lake has two areas that are considered wetlands. One is at the far east end of the lake, in the area known as Little Crockery Lake. You can not see this area from the lake, but it provides a huge benefit. The other is located near the northwest end of the lake. At present it is a wooded area and undeveloped.
DNR Fish Report
In 2006, we received the attached Fish Report from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. It is an extensive study of the fish populations including a Water Survey, Species found in the lake, a Walleye Stocking Report, and Electric Fishing, Gillnet Fishing and Trapnet Fishing finds.
There are a few ordinances that all people living on and around Crockery Lake should know about.
Click on the title and read the document if you are interested in learning more: