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Alligator on "Croc"kery Lake?

There have been multiple sightings of a 4-6 foot alligator in our lake. Starting July 25 two residents saw something by their shore that looked very much like a gator. Before they could get a picture it splashed into the water. On Sunday, August 4, a fisherman at the park saw what he thought was a 6 foot gator. But no picture. DNR was called and 4 officers were here looking for it. There have been multiple large splashes and spooked water fowl. Wednesday, August 8, two people saw it in the water on the north side of the lake. Again, before they could snap a picture it went underwater.

DNR and Ottawa County Parks Department are aware. If you should spot the gator and get a picture call or text 1-800-292-7800, 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week. They will not return to the lake without a picture.

WOODTV8 and FOX17 have both been out on the lake looking and doing interviews.

Now we are all GATOR HUNTERS.

So let's have some fun and raise money for Crockery Lake Water Clean Up.

Get your T-Shirt here. You can Venmo or Paypal but please provide all the info you see on the order form. Or fill it out take a picture and text it to any board member or email it to Or call your rep to order. Or bring your order to Greg Slater, (616-638-6930) 2500 Crockery Shores Road, Casnovia, MI 49318

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