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APRIL 2024 Newsletter


Crockery Lake Association

Crockery Lake Website:

Facebook Page:  www.facebook/crockerylake


Winter is over and spring has sprung. Many changes have happened over the winter that changed our community:

Sad Farewells

Crockery Lake has had to say farewell to 3 beloved lake residents:

We will miss these great men. We are thankful to have had these great neighbors who brought wonderful life to our community. 

New Baby 

Congratulations to Casey and Jessica Jones in the birth of precious Zoë Wilder Jones. She was born November 18, 2023 and joins her big brother and big sister as our newest lake lover.


It was nice to have a mild winter. However, because there weren’t sustained days of freezing and the lake did not freeze over there is a higher risk for invasive species to thrive this year. This includes weeds and algae.

There are many changes being proposed to restore and keep our beautiful lake clean and healthy.  We are excited to be in on the ground floor of the many endeavors to make this happen and on the cutting edge of new remediation techniques.

However, it will take a substantial amount of money to clean up the lake initially.  There may be grants available to do all the testing required by EGLE for the permits for recommended treatment. 

We have been very proactive talking to the appropriate people to do what’s best for treatment. 

  • This includes having many conversations with Ben Jordan from the Ottawa Conservation District who is very knowledgable about grants available to us.  In order to qualify for grants, we must have a program of testing to show where our needs are.  This has already begun through the generosity of the CLA board as well as some of the dollars left from our weed treatments. But to continue, we may need to do some fundraising. 

  • The board would like to contract with Dr. Jennifer Jones from Restorative Lake Sciences to do the testing, reporting, recommending, and overseeing of the remediation. She is the expert and is on the cutting edge for lake quality.

Most grants will help pay for the testing and subsequent reporting of lake quality, if we receive them. Grants will probably not pay for the actual treatment. 

We need everyone to have a good understanding of what needs to be done to make our lake healthy again and to keep it healthy.


All of the CLA Board Meetings unless otherwise posted will be 7 pm at:

Chester Township Hall and Offices

3509 Sehler St.

Conklin, MI 49403. 

Dates of meetings:

April 24,2024

May 15, 2024 - This will be the Annual Meeting for all Crockery Lake Association Members. Anyone can attend. This is also a good time to join by paying your dues. 

Ben Jordan from Ottawa Conservation district will be our featured speaker. He is working hard trying to procure grants to help with needed testing as we move forward with cleaning up Crockery Lake.

We will also be having annual elections for 3 directors. If you would like to be more involved please let your lake representative know you are willing to serve on a 3 year term. Or email us at

June 19, 2024

July 17, 2024

August 21, 2024 

September 18, 2024 

If needed, October 16,2024

You do not need to be a member to attend the meetings. But we do encourage you to attend these meetings and become a member. Each year we discuss issues pertinent to the well-being of Crockery Lake and the surrounding community. This is your home. Please be a part of the conversation. You  must be an association member in order to have a vote but not to attend the meeting. 

2024 DUES

Annual dues will now be $40 to be a member of the Lake Association.

The yearly fireworks display for July 3 is completely supported by any donations given above the dues cost.

Visit the website at for the benefits of being a member.

We are offering five options to pay again this year:

  1. Use the form at the end of the newsletter (you can print just the last page) to send your check to: Greg Slater, 2500 Crockery Shores Road, Casnovia, MI 49312. 

  2. Use BillPay through your bank website. Send to: Greg Slater, 2500 Crockery Shores Road, Casnovia, MI 49318

  3. Paypal link from our webpage:

  4. CLA directors will be stopping by with the newsletter and can collect dues and fireworks donations.

  5. Pay at any board meeting.

Dues have a small increase this year. For two reasons:

  1. We want to  hold all the meetings at the Chester Township Hall. There is a $35 fee for us to rent it. This will hopefully encourage more people to attend and know what is happening.

  2. In the name of transparency and openness, we will be printing an abbreviated form of the Newsletter and deliver it to your address. Every month, April through September, a newsletter with highlights will be delivered to every riparian (lake resident). This will help to keep you informed. A more detailed version will be available on the website. This month you will receive the newsletter in it’s entirety. 

Special thanks to Carl & Karen Elliott for the use of the printer and ink. Also, thanks to Dan Atwood who is supplying the paper. We couldn’t print the newsletter without the generosity of these board members.


Three three-year positions are open this year.  

You will make a great board member if:

  • You have an interest in learning about lake health

  • Be a resource for your neighbors on water quality projects, erosion control, weed treatments, lake-scaping and more!

  • You want to take a positive, active role in making decisions that affect our lake

  • You have current concerns for the lake and have ideas how to fix them

  • Make a positive difference to help solve lake problems.  

Meetings are the third Wednesday of the month from March through September.

Interested? Contact any board member.  Or email Phone numbers at the end of the newsletter.

2024 FIREWORKS – JULY 3, 2024


We needed a grand total of $7,000 to duplicate last years fireworks and we did it!Michigan Family Fireworks will be lighting them off again this year. Please remember to add an extra donation for next years fireworks when you pay your dues. This is your fireworks display so let’s all add to the enjoyment. Thank you to all those who donated generously to our fireworks. Without your donations there would not be a fireworks display.


Lesha Gustin and Nicole Bonter are offering 2024 Crockery Lake T-shirts again this year. All profit from sales will go toward the 2025 firework fund. They are a lovely heather red. T-shirts sell for $20 each


Please read the ordinance before placing docks and boats in the water this year. Follow this link:

The board will be reviewing the ordinance with the township this year. We welcome your feedback. Contact any board member listed at the end of the newsletter or email us at . Respecting our neighbors makes for great community! 


May 6, 2024 - Spring survey

May 13, 2024 - Weed and Algae treatment, optional

June 10, 2024 - Weed and Algae treatment, optional

July 1, 2024 - Algae treatment, optional

July 15, 2024 - Weed and Algae treatment, optional

August 12, 2024 - Weed and Algae treatment, optional

~The treatment schedule is approximate. Please watch your shoreline for the posting of the 8.5x11 inch, yellow or green signs. The signs will indicate the date of the treatment, the products used, and any restrictions on the use of treated water for swimming, watering lawns, etc. The property owners in this area are planning to have the waters chemically treated to control lake weeds and/or algae. This notice is being circulated in accordance with Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) procedures.~On the day of treatment, signs will be posted along the shoreline within 100 feet of treatment areas that indicate what products were used and specific water use restrictions that apply.~The chemicals used for Aquatic Nuisance Control are registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Michigan Department of Agriculture. The potential for damage to fish and other non-target organisms is minimal provided that the product is used as directed on the product label and the permit. 

~The CLA Board of Directors would suggest using caution in using or being in the water the day of treatment according to posted warnings.

Spring Clean-up

We ask that all residents inspect their shoreline for debris and loose objects that could be picked up by rising waters, the spring thaw, and eventual rain showers. Organic material such as leaves, sticks, dog excrement, and other yard waste make great fertilizer for the spring weeds and algae to flourish so those should be removed. Timber, dock sections, and even children’s toys have been known to travel with the rising waters. We ask for your help, not only to protect personal property, but to help keep our outlet clear of items that could dam up the exiting waters. Thank you for your help and consideration in keeping our lake clean.


Oak trees—don’t prune April 15 – July 15. Increases possibility of infestation by fungal disease, allows native picnic beetles to spread spores from infected trees to healthy trees; oak wilt causes rapid defoliation and die back in the crown, killing red oak trees in a matter of weeks.  Treatment can be costly and destructive—prevention is key!

Need firewood for your lake campfires? Purchase your firewood locally, or buy your firewood where you plan to burn it.

Re-landscaping? Add some native plants!  

Clean up animal waste—don’t let it end up in the lake. 

Clean out your fire-pit and dispose of the ashes—so they don’t end up in the lake.

Don’t let those TV commercials for lawn fertilizers get to you! According to the MSU Extension Office, most lawns in Michigan have adequate levels of phosphorous without adding chemicals to your lawn.

Use lake water to water your lawn. Your lawn will  have more than enough nutrients to keep it green. Do not water on days the lake is sprayed.

You can still use crabgrass killer (without fertilizer) and other insecticides.

No types of fertilizers may be used within 300 feet of the lake.

No grass clippings, leaves, sticks, etc. may be placed in the lake.

Fertilizers applied by lawn fertilizer companies are prohibited. If you see your neighbor violating this ordinance, please remind him of the ban. Violation of this ordinance may result in a $500 fine. 

Put reflectors on your rafts.  Phone numbers should be added to your paddle boats and kayaks.

Violations and questions should be directed to the Chester Township Zoning Administrator 616-899-5544.


President / Betsy Ludwick

Position Expires: 4/30/24

616.723.5704  /

Newsletter Editor, Website and Facebook page Administrator

Vice President / Dan Atwood

Position Expires: 4/30/26


Represents: 2833 - 2871 Crockery Shores, Kaycee Lane, Crockery Woods

Treasurer / Greg Slater

Position Expires: 4/30/25

Representing: 2221 Van Dyke St - 2391 Van Dyke St

Secretary / Paula Humphrey

Position Expires: 4/30/25

616.498.0363 /

Representing: 2392 Van Dyke - 2516 Van Dyke

Immediate Past President / Bob Blauwkamp

Position Expires: 4/30/24

616.957.9007 /

Representing: 2332 - 2550 Crockery Shores Road, 24th Ave, Hoover


Mollie Gaggen

Position Expires: 4/30/26

Representing:  2081 Van Dyke - 2211 Van Dyke

John deGeneres

Position expires: 4/30/24

Representing: 2563 Crockery Shores Road - 2798 Crockery Shores Road

Carl Elliott

Position Expires: 4/30/24

616.887.4203 home

616.822-9250 /

Representing: 2519 Van Dyke - 2681 Van Dyke

Bill Marks

Position Expires: 4/30/2026

616.430.8372 /

Representing: 2705 Van Dyke St - 2835 Van Dyke


NAME  _______________________________________________________________

ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________

MAILING ADDRESS _____________________________________________________


PHONE ________________________ CELL PHONE _________________________

E-MAIL _______________________________________________________________

YEARLY DUES: $40 paid by ______________________Date ___________________

FIREWORKS DONATION: $______________ CANDLES _______ at $1.25 each

Crockery Lake Association is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Dues are not tax deductible. However, firework donations are tax deductible.

Please make your check to: CROCKERY LAKE ASSOCIATION

Send to: Greg Slater, 2500 Crockery Shores Road, Casnovia, MI 49318

__________________RETAIN A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS__________________   

DUES PAID $_______________      DATE __________________

CANDLES _______X $1.25 = _________________

FIREWORKS DONATION $_________________________

CHECK NUMBER _______________________  

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