Tuesday, November 22, 2022
7:00 PM
2470 Crockery Shores Road
Casnovia, MI 49318
When: Tuesday
November 22, 2022 @ 7:00PM
Where: Ludwick's
2470 Crockery Shores Road
Casnovia, MI 49318
This special meeting is to discuss the formation of a LAKE IMPROVEMENT BOARD (LIB). This board will include Joe Bush, Water Resource Commissioner; Dr. Jennifer Jones, Restorative Lake Sciences; Allison Miedema, county commissioner; a Crockery Lake Board member TBD; two appointees from Chester Township TBD (preferable at least one of them a lake resident).
This Lake Improvement Board will address and find solutions for causes of Crockery Lake pollution. It will also help us procure funds and possibly grants for watershed management that affects Crockery Lake.
The CLA Board will select 3 people as possible candidates for this LIB. When the LIB has it's first meeting they will select one of the three candidates to sit on this board.
Tuesday we will select our candidates if we decide to move forward with this option for better lake control and quality.
Any questions please contact you lake representative or email crockerylakeassociation@gmail.com.