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May 17,2024 CLA Board Minutes

Updated: Oct 7, 2024

Crockery Lake Association 

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 

May 17, 2024 – Chester Township Hall

  1. CLA Membership – opportunity to become a member.  New this year, stickers.

  1. Meeting called to order at 7:00pm

  1. Roll Call:  Betsy Ludwick, Greg Slater, Paula Humphrey, Carl Elliott, Dan Atwood, & Bill Marks

Absent:  Bob Blauwkamp, Mollie Gaggin & John DeGeneres

Audience: 18 people in attendance

  1. Introduction of Ben Jordan & Sarah Bowman:  Ottawa Conservation District

Ben has been the Watershed Programs Director for 9 years and Sarah has been a Specialist for 2.5 years.

Projects:  reducing pollutants going into the watershed.  Grant funding for these projects.  Natural Resources liaison.

  1. What they are doing now:  319 Grant program, working with the EPA on run-off restoration on Crockery Creek and Sand Creek.  Encouraging farmers to incorporate best land management options.  This grant ends in 2024, a 2nd phase has been applied for and they are highly certain it will again be awarded.  The 319 program also offers septic assistance with cost share.  Applicants may qualify from $1000 up to $50,000 depending on the project and income need of the applicant.

  2. The Glacial Conservation Grant for Natural Shoreline Restoration was denied.  The staff at OCD still offers their Shoreline Stewardship Program and are available to work with riparians to design natural shoreline landscape ideas, using MI native plantings at a lower cost to preserve waterfronts and encourage natural oxygen to the lake.

  3. Big News! Ottawa County received $6.7 Million in a settlement with Monsanto.  PCBs were found in the water. Joe Bush with the Ottawa County Water Resource Commission will use the awarded monies to monitor every watershed. $1,000,000 to use to monitor over the next 5 years.

1). Specific to Crockery Lake:

- CLMP – regarding lake remediation, there may be areas of overlap to help us.

- Tuesday there will be a meeting with the County; additional settlement monies maybe allocated to help with lake remediation.

- Monitoring:  will show problem areas and open doors to future grants and target major issues.

- On-line data-based dashboard is available to the public

- Every grant usually has a “match-in-kind”.

- Upstream landowners will be encouraged to participate in the 319 Project:  both septic repair/replace as well as Agricultural “best land management practices”.

- MEAP – basic water testing program.  This is a cost share for farmers to test their wells.

- MICORP volunteer stream monitoring starts in June.

Ben Jordan, “What does all of this indicate?  The County is aware of our Lake Health Problem?  They are paying attention!”

Betsy thanked Ben and Sarah for attending our meeting.  They shared their contact information and are available for questions.

  1. Approval of Agenda:  Greg Slater moved to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion supported by Bill Marks.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

  1. Call to the Audience:  Karen Elliott shared her concerns regarding lake remediation using RLS.  Lesha Gustin promoted the T-Shirt design for this year’s Fireworks Fund Raiser.  Please contact her directly to place your order for 2024.

  1. President’s Report – Betsy Ludwick

  1. MLSA Conference Report:  Several CL residents attended:  Betsy Ludwick, Greg Slater, Chuck & Linda Lane, Susan McClure and Pat Wolters. 

  2.  Pat Wolters was honored as Riparian of the Year at this event. 

  3. Some key breakout sessions included the House Bills 5532 & 5533 regarding 100’ offset for wake boats on lakes from the shoreline. And House Bills 4479 & 4480/Senate Bills 299 & 300 that are about septic inspections for MI residents.  These bills are to be voted on by 12-31-24.

  4. There was a session that discussed the use of Alum on Mona Lake.

  5. Lakes are posting notices at boat launches asking boaters to empty ballasts prior to launching on any body of water, to lessen the transfer of invasive species.  

  6. Invasive Weeds was a topic of discussion:  Watch for Hydrilla, so far this weed has not been introduced to CL.  We do have Eurasian Milfoil and Purple Loosestrife.  Both can be pulled out at the root in an attempt to control their spread.

Greg Slater also reported from the MLSA Conference:  MEAP is voluntary.  10% of farmers get involved.  Ron Remic is involved in networking with Fresh Water Solutions out of Traverse City.

  1. Statement to Ottawa County Finance Committee Meeting:  on file.

Betsy Ludwick and Paula Humphrey attended this meeting and gave public comments.  Betsy stayed after the meeting and through discussion with several of the people present, she was able to network and make great connections regarding lake remediation.

  1. Meeting at Ottawa County Complex, Greg Slater also attended this meeting. Greg made a public comment regarding the need for help with lake remediation on this public lake with a public park.

  2. Email to all Ottawa County Commissioners:  on Monday, May 13, Betsy sent an email to all of the Ottawa County Commissioners regarding the health of CL.  Within 5 minutes Allison Miedema replied. 

Betsy and Greg attended a meeting to be held on Tuesday, May 14th with Jon Anderson, the Interim Administrator for Ottawa County, Joe Bush, Ottawa County Water Resource Commissioner; Ben Jordan, watershed technician of Ottawa Conservation District; Allison Miedema, Ottawa County Commissioner and Parks Department representative; Joe Moss, Ottawa County Commissioner Chairman; Natalie Bekins, Ottawa Conservation District Executive Director. The entire meeting was about Crockery Lake.  They did discuss the 5% that Ottawa currently pays in lake treatment and thought that should be a higher amount.  Allison Miedema is the Commissioner for district 11 which includes Chester Township, and she is also the Commissioner presiding over Parks and Recreation.  She is in a strategic position to help CL.  Troy Goodno, Chester Township Trustee, is also supporting our efforts as well as the Township Board.

  1. Noted:  most of the federal dollars available to MI are going into remediation in Lake Erie.

  1. Betsy noted she, as CLA President and Gary Meerman, Chester Township Supervisor have signed the contract with RLS.  Dr. Jennifer Jones and Ben Jordan of the Ottawa Conservation District have connected and will look at resources and strategies for CL remediation.

  1. Secretary Report-Paula Humphrey

Minutes from May 17, 2023, were read aloud.  No action needed.  These minutes were pre-approved and were posted on the CLA website June 22, 2023.  

Minutes from the April 24, 2024, meeting were presented:  Greg Slater motioned to approve the minutes as presented.  This motion was supported by Dan Atwood.  No discussion.  The motion carried by unanimous vote of the board representatives present.

  1. Treasurer’s Report – Greg Slater

  2. The 2023 Year-End report:  General Fund               $2,970.09

   Other Funds       5,579.70

   Fireworks Fund       3,833.75

Total Bank Balance      $12,383.54

  1. January-May Budget 2024 and Current Financial report was distributed. 

  General Fund     $3200.09 

                Other Funds       $6560.70 

              Fireworks Fund $4453.75 

  Total Bank Balance  $14,214.54

Greg noted that 62 members will be needed to meet our 2024 budget. New funds:  Fund a Fish currently has $46 toward stocking CL. Lake Cleanup has $6,514.70. After our final payment for 2024 Fireworks $953.75 will remain for 2025 Fireworks.

Motion made by Carl Elliott to approve the treasurer’s report as presented. 2nd by Bill Marks.  Motion carried by unanimous vote of the representatives present.

  1. July 3, 2024

  2.  Fireworks 2024, Bill Marks reported that the show will be similar to 2023.  Everything is moving ahead, and the Board Reps can begin collecting funds for the 2025 Show.

  3. Carl Elliott reported that in the future, Gunkel’s may be leasing the portion of their field used for our fireworks show.  He did agree to let us use it again this year.  But we should probably look into the cost of leasing the amount of acreage we use and to plan on a gratuity to cover Gunkel’s loss for not farming that area of land.  Carl will once again approach him to secure it again for 2025.

  4. Boat Parade:  no permits needed by EGLE.  5 Judges will be needed, no one volunteered at this time.

  5. Lawn Displays and the Ring of Fire will be encouraged again this summer.  Candles can be obtained from Bob Blauwkamp.

  1. Lake Remediation

  2. CLMP Report:  Cooperative Lakes Management Program’s report was cited.  This information is available of the CLA website.  Chuck & Linda Lane were thanked for their faithful work of doing CLMP testing on our lake.

  3. Lake Quality Report – this report is also available on the CLA website.

  4. Contract with RLS and Dr. Jones – we have a one-year contract signed by us and Chester Township.

  1. Residents Contact:  Betsy expressed our condolences to the 3 families who lost loved ones since our May 2023 meeting.  There were also 2 births in the past year.

  1. Weed Treatment Schedule was announced.  A lake survey will be performed by RLS on May 29th.  Algae and weed treatments will be determined upon results of that survey.  Treatment of C-Clear has already been scheduled for July 1st.

  2.  Audience Comment:  Lesha Gustin asked if just the Milfoil could be treated, since it is fast growing.  The chemical Diquat kills everything, good and bad.  Can the lake be treated for just this invasive weed.  Betsy said she would call PLM and ask that question.

  1. Election of CLA Board Members:  Ballot presented, no additional nominations from the floor.

Nominations for the next 3-year term include Betsy Ludwick, Jason Beuschel & Tyler Heitzman.

Paper ballots were distributed.  All were elected by unanimous vote of the members present.

Betsy thanked board reps John DeGeneres & Carl Elliott for their service.

  1. Adjournment:  Motion to adjourn was made by Carl Elliott, supported by Dan Atwood and carried by unanimous vote of the board members present

Minutes respectfully submitted by Paula Humphrey     

Next meeting:  June 19, 2024 @ 7:00pm

Location: Chester Township Community Room

Restructuring/Post Annual Meeting

  1.  Election of Officers for 2024-2025

President:  Betsy Ludwick nominated by Greg Slater, 2nd by Dan Atwood, motion carried.

Vice-President:  Paula Humphrey nominated Dan Atwood, 2nd by ____, motion carried.

Treasurer:  Greg Slater nominated by Jason Beuschel, 2nd by Tyler Heitzman, motion carried.

Secretary:  Paula Humphrey nominated by Dan Atwood, 2nd by _____, motion carried

If Ya’ll would like to fill in the blanks, that would be appreciated – it was going much too quickly for me to record accurately.  

  1. Committees were discussed, assignments will be discussed at the June meeting.  Jason Beuschel did agree to be on the July 3, Event Committee.

  1. Route Assignment:  See map for details.

1 – Paula Humphrey

2 – Tyler Heitzman

3 – Jason Beuschel

4 – Greg Slater

5 – Mollie Gaggin

6 – Bob Blauwkamp

7 – Bill Marks

8 – Dan Atwood

  1. Adjournment:  Motion to adjourn was made by Greg Slater, 2nd from Bill Marks.  Motion carried.

Adjourned at 9:30 pm

Minutes respectfully submitted by Paula Humphrey   

CLA Secretary  

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