Crockery Lake Association
Helpful Links:
Crockery Lake Website: www.crockerylake.org
Facebook Page: www.facebook/crockerylake
Bring out your best 4th of July decorations and decorate for the 3rd! This year there will
be a surprise prize for the winner.
The boat parade will begin at 7:30pm. Boats will register and queue up at the Dave &
Jody Hyde residence, 2155 VanDyke (616-822-0401) by 7:15. Please register in advance if
possible by contacting Jody Hyde. You will be given your number in advance. There will be a
sign in their yard. Each boat must make 2 laps around the lake so the judges get two views.
Please display your number in a prominent place on the starboard (right) side of the boat. You do not have to be a CLA member to be in the boat parade but prizes are only awarded to CLA members who are participating.
Prizes: First place $75
Second place $50
Third place $25
You can get your candles for the ring of fire from your CLA representative or from Bob
Blauwkamp at 2380 Crockery Shores Road. The candles will be by his back door and they are
$1.25 each. The ring of fire will begin at 9:30. These candles will burn for 8-12 hours. You can
use cut out milk jugs or ice cream buckets with some sand in them or anything that will not cause a fire.
Fireworks will begin between 10:00 and 10:15. If you enjoy our yearly fireworks please
consider making a donation for next year. QR code is at the end of the newsletter.
We encourage you to SAFELY have your own fireworks on your shores between the
hours of dusk and 11:00pm. We can all sit and enjoy them on our lake shores or in our boats. Be
safe and be respectful.
Lesha Gustin and Nicole Bonter are
offering 2024 Crockery Lake T-shirts again this
year. All profit from sales will go toward the
2025 firework fund. They are a lovely heather
red. T-shirts sell for $20 each. Contact Lesha at
616-822-7139 by calling or texting to order.
Crockery Lake is an all sports lake. This means we welcome all water activities. But
there is some protocol for Wake boats. Wake boats are created to make bigger waves which
go deeper into the water and roll farther than a normal wake. These waves are very erosive
to the shoreline. Therefore, legislation has been introduced in Lansing to regulate where
wake boats can operate: “It will require watercraft in “wake sport mode” to be 500 feet or
more from a shore or dock and at a depth of 20 feet or more.” This has not been passed yet.
We ask you PLEASE use the middle of the lake when in wake sport mode. Do not
go close to the shore. The topography of the lake only has 2 deep areas, by the park and by
the boat ramp. Empty your ballasts when not in wake sport mode.
IF you visit another water body and then return to Crockery Lake, PLEASE empty
and rinse your ballasts to make sure you are not bringing unwanted invasive species along
for the ride. These can devastate a lake.
2024 DUES
Very soon a Crockery Lake Board Director will come around and greet you and collect
dues for 2024 and any donations towards the 2025 fireworks fund. The fireworks on July 3 are
totally paid for from your donations. If we do not receive enough money in donations the
fireworks for 2025 will be canceled.
Annual dues are $40 to be a member of the Lake Association. Additionally, any extra you
give goes toward our 2025 Fireworks. Please go to www.crockerylake.org and click on
Association to see why being a member is important to you.
We are offering many options to pay this year:* Use the form at the end of the newsletter (you can print just the last page) to send your check
to: Greg Slater, 2500 Crockery Shores Road, Casnovia, MI 49318
* Use BillPay through your bank website. Send to: Greg Slater, 2500 Crockery Shores Road,
Casnovia, MI 49318
* PayPal link from our webpage: www.crockerylake.org
*PayPal or Venmo app. Just scan the code below that you want to use.
We all have the same goal ~ to enjoy our beautiful lake and keep it healthy!
An Algae treatment is scheduled for Monday, July 1, 2024
The CLA Board of Directors has been researching different possibilities for lake
remediation. The research is mind boggling. So many options available but they are costly.
We as a board have learned so much but we also are not knowledgeable enough to make a
huge decision on which process to choose. We have spoken with EGLE (Michigan
Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy) about possible treatments, permits,
and grants, etc. We have been working with our watershed (LGROW), Ottawa Conservation
District, Ottawa County, and EGLE trying to find out about possible grant money to help
with testing and/or remediation.
Restorative Lake Sciences and Dr. Jennifer Jermalowicz-Jones is in the process of
performing all the needed tests, compiling the reports, researching the best remediation
process and companies, making recommendations to the CLA board, procuring all permits
from EGLE, and overseeing and providing all testing and reports required by EGLE. Each
year for the next 5 years this will cost $15,000. Once we decide on and begin treatment,
monitoring is required by EGLE using the same tests needed for permitting.
The CLA board has a lake testing fund mostly funded by the CLA board of
directors and concerned riparians, like you. Currently, there is $6,500 in this fund. The first
testing for this year was done on May 29, 2024. We are working aggressively to try to get
money from any grants available and from Ottawa County. All testing needs to be
completed in one calendar year to satisfy EGLE. If we don’t get it all done and paid for by this September, we will have to restart the testing process and it will be another year before we can begin to fix our lake.
Some of the testing could be paid for from our current lake treatment tax
assessment. We are hoping to receive donations and, if necessary, have some fun fundraisers if necessary to help with the expense if we do not receive any grant money or help from the county or township. CLA Board members are petitioning Ottawa County Finance Committee and the Board of Commissioners for involvement and monetary help.
The CLA board is hoping you will support cleaning up Crockery Lake in whatever
way you can: donations, septic tank care, attending board meetings, and working with us to
get this lake cleaned up and healthy for swimming, boating, and fishing. And to keep our
well water clean and pure.
If you would like to donate towards this you can donate by sending a check
payable to Crockery Lake Association and sent to Greg Slater, treasurer, 2500 Crockery
Shores Rd, Casnovia, MI 49318.
Paid for by the committee to Elect Jody Hyde
Refer to this ad and receive $500 off anew roof or siding,
Or 10% off gutters.
Call Bill Sare for your FREE estimate at 616-425-1395
Advertising in this newsletter is FREE to Crockery Lake Association Members.
Advertising for business is $25/year. Inclusion of any advertisement in the CLA Newsletter does not equate to an endorsement by the Crockery Lake Association.
President / Betsy Ludwick
Position Expires: 4/30/27
616.723.5704 / betsylud@gmail.com
Newsletter Editor, Website and Facebook page
Vice President / Dan Atwood
Position Expires: 4/30/26
Representing: 2833 - 2871 Crockery Shores,
Kaycee Lane, Crockery Woods
Treasurer / Greg Slater
Position Expires: 4/30/25
616.638.6930 / greg.gsesllc@outlook.com
Representing: 2221 Van Dyke St - 2391 Van Dyke
Immediate Past President / Bob
Position Expires: 4/30/24
616.957.9007 / rblauwkamp@gmail.com
Representing: 2332 - 2550 Crockery Shores
Road, 24th Ave, Hoover
Jason Beuschel
Position Expires:4/30/27
616.520.1108 / beusch1122@gmail.com
Representing: 2392 Van Dyke - 2516 Van Dyke
Mollie Gaggen
Position Expires: 4/30/26
313.712.6437 / molliesterr@gmail.com
Representing: 2081 Van Dyke - 2211 Van Dyke
Bill Marks
Position Expires: 4/30/2026
616.430.8372 / williamjrix@gmail.com
Representing: 2563 Crockery Shores Road - 2798
Crockery Shores Road
Tyler Heitzman
Position Expires: 4/30/27
616.401.5444 / tdheitzm@gmail.com
Representing: 2519 Van Dyke St - 2681 Van Dyke
Secretary / Paula Humphrey
Position Expires: 4/30/25
616.498.0363 / paulah2700@gmail.com
Representing: 2700 Van Dyke St - 2835 Van Dyke
NAME _______________________________________________________________
ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________
MAILING ADDRESS _____________________________________________________
PHONE ________________________ CELL PHONE _________________________
E-MAIL _______________________________________________________________
YEARLY DUES: $40 paid by ______________________Date ___________________
FIREWORKS DONATION: $______________ CANDLES _______ at $1.25 each
Crockery Lake Association is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Dues are not tax
deductible. However, firework donations are tax deductible.
Please make your check to: CROCKERY LAKE ASSOCIATION
Send to: Greg Slater, 2500 Crockery Shores Road, Casnovia, MI 49318
DUES PAID $_______________ DATE __________________
CANDLES _______X $1.25 = _________________
FIREWORKS DONATION $_________________________
FUND A FISH DONATION $ ________________________
CHECK NUMBER _______________________