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Update on Algae Bloom

Updated: Jul 16, 2020

From Pat Wolters, Vice President, Crockery Lake Association

I have been in close contact with Professional Lake Management (PLM), (EGLE), and the office of Waterborne Disease epidemiologist, Emerging & Zoonotic Infectious Diseases Section,  Michigan Department of Health & Human Services.  If you were in contact with the waters of Crockery, and experienced rash, trouble breathing, eye irritation, etc.  Please call Alex at 1-517-881-1046, and ask to speak with Alex.  

Tuesday, June 23, 2020, samples were taken at Grose Park and the public boat launch.  They did not see any obvious cyanobacteria sheens at either place.  It was pretty windy when they sampled so everything was well mixed along the shorelines.

Initial tests indicated that microcystin (algal toxin) concentrations were either very low or non-detect.  Both samples went to the lab the following day.

In 2015 and 2016 they sampled Crockery Lake rather intensively and the highest microcystin concentrations that we ever saw was around 4 ug/l in both years.  For reference, the EPA's recreational guidance for microcystin is 8 ug/l.

Linda Lane provided great pictures of the algae that were sent to EGLE.

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) received notification from EGLE of a reported cyanobacterial bloom in Crockery Lake.  Their comment was "From the attached picture it appears to be limited to a small bloom along the shoreline at this time.  EGLE staff were near the area, so they are planning to stop by later today to see if the bloom is still present and to possibly take a sample.  We will be sure to pass along their findings so that they can help inform any actions that your agency may want to take if the bloom is still present."

Professional Lake Management put us in touch with the above experts.  They are looking into using another product.  More information to come.

Thanks for your patience.  Those of us who have been residents of Crockery Lake all say that we have never seen an algae bloom like this before.

Given the fact winter was mild and the lake had very little ice cover,  plants and algae were able to grow during winter so they both had a head start.  The fact we don't have sewer is problematic. We are surrounded by agriculture which contributes nutrients to Crockery Lake.  Many road drains contribute to an abundance of nutrients coming into Crockery Lake.  Those streams are causing major erosion, filling in parts of Crockery Lake.  

Thank you for your patience. We are waiting for more information so an informed decision can be made to rectify this problem.


Pat Wolters

Crockery Lake

Vice President

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