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April 2018 / CLA Board Meeting Minutes

Updated: Jul 13, 2018



APRIL 18, 2018

Board Members Present: Bruce Callen, Dennis Arms, Del Deur, Linda Rexford, Bob Blauwkamp, Pat Wolters, and Linda Lane. Absent: Sue McClure

Guests: six lake residents

  1. Called meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. at 2379 VanDyke, Conklin, Michigan.

  2. Amended Agenda Approved with addition of Shoreland Stewards. (Motion by Pat Wolters; seconded by Del Deur). Motion carried.

  3. Secretary Report for March 2018 Approved. (Motion by Del Deur; seconded by Dennis Arms) Motion carried.

  4. Treasurer’s Report Approved. (Motion by Linda Lane; seconded by Linda Rexford). Motion carried.

  5. Dock and Boat Ordinance. The CLA Board was prepared to discuss their final recommended changes to the Dock/Boat Ordinance, but last week the Township approved the Final Draft of the Ordinance which includes the setback provisions. A copy of the Policy and the updated Ordinance will be included in the May newsletter. The newsletter will indicate any questions regarding this Ordinance should be directed to the Township. Per Jodi Hyde, the Ordinance will be placed on Chester Townships webpage next week.

  6. Website/Facebook Update. Bruce has been added as an Administrator. Township Board meeting dates will be added to the CLA calendar on the web page.

  7. Welcome Packages. Linda has updated the Welcome Packet. She will bring one to the June Board meeting. Jodi Hyde indicated when a land transfer is received by the Township, she will send Linda the new resident’s name and address. This will be very helpful in getting welcome packets to new residents.

  8. CLA Annual Meeting. Date: May 16, 2018. Place: Grose Park Shelter. Dinner: 6:00 p.m. Meeting: 7:00 p.m. Speaker will be Jaimee Conroy from PLM. Questions from attendees is encouraged. Menu: Hot dogs and buns: Pat Wolters; Beans: Linda Lane; Drinks, forks, cups plates: Bruce Callen; Condiments: Linda Rexford; Dessert: Betsy Ludwick. Reviewed. No changes.

  9. 2018 Fireworks. Linda Lane reported permit has been signed by Township. A request for the Special Marine Permit has been sent to the DNR. Carl Elliott reported he was able to include 37 more shots for the fireworks this year. Carl needs help with set up and clean up. Linda will send Carl an email asking for specifics to be included in the newsletter.

  10. Fourth of July. We are out of candles. Bob will order a box of 200.

  11. Judges. Several people at meeting agreed to serve as judges. Names not included in minutes because supposed to be a secret.

  12. Board Member Statuses/Expirations. Bruce presented a table of Board members and their term expiration dates. It was agreed the term expirations were correct. Board routes will remain the same.

  13. Newsletter Ads. Per Bob Don Scott, Ravenna Lumber and Papa Piconne’s have sent in money for ads for this year. Bruce wants an ad too, but will send Linda his new business card.

  14. Weed Treatment (update on amended PLM Contract). Pat has taken care of this.

  15. Special Assessments. Bruce sent each Board member a copy of the 4 resolutions. This is a lengthy process. This is Board’s top priority for this year. Pat will again ask PLM for projected 30-year budget. Bruce asked anyone present about including CLA dues in special assessment. Most thought this was not a good idea. If a survey is to be included in the special assessment, coordination with Joe Bush at the Drain Commission needs to occur. Bruce will contact Mr. Bush re what would be needed in survey. If the information cannot be gleaned from a telephone call, he will ask Mr. Bush if he could attend our June meeting.

  16. Bruce will talk to Jan at the Township some time this month to set up a timeline and flowchart regarding steps that need to be taken in order to get the special assessment project rolling.

  17. Shoreland Stewards. Linda Lane asked if the CLA Association would like to become a member. The purpose of the organization is to inform lakefront property owners of ways to practice shoreline management. They would then be a source of articles for our newsletter and mailers. If there is no fee, the Board decided it would be ok to join. Linda will check on this.

Next meeting: Annual Meeting, Wednesday, May 16, 2018 7:00 p.m. (6:00 p.m. dinner at Grose Park.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Lane, Secretary


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