Meeting minutes for the latest Board meeting are available below.
Crockery Lake Association Board Meeting
2470 Crockery Shores Street
Casnovia, Michigan
September 15, 2021
1. Meeting called to order at 7:06 p.m.
2. Roll Call
Present: Betsy Ludwick, President; Pat Wolters, Vice-President; Susan McClure, Secretary; Greg Slater, Treasurer. Directors: Bob Blauwkamp, Paula Humphrey, Mollie Gaggin, John deGeneres. Absent: Carl Elliott
Members: Jody Hyde, Bill Behrenbrock
3. Approval of Agenda
Bob Blauwkamp moved to accept the agenda, seconded by Mollie Gaggin. Passed.
4. Call to Audience
Bill Behrenbrock of 2043 Van Dyke Street addressed the increased amount of weeds in the lake this summer. He does not want Crockery Lake to become the algae covered mess that it was around in the early 1970s. Professional Lake Management (PLM) had scheduled the Spring survey for weeds for May 10, 2021. What they saw would indicate the types of weeds to treat. A weed treatment schedule was tentatively set: 5/17--Weed and Algae, 6/12--Weed and Algae, 7/19--Optional Algae, 8/16--Fall Weed and Algae Survey. Bill Behrenbrock also noted the amount of eel grass. Eel grass is to be pulled. It an a native species. Spray doesn't stop eel grass. Eurasian Watermilfoil, an aggressive non native, is found in the lake. PLM treats Crockery Lake for Eurasian Watermilfoil. Residents MUST NOT RAKE Eurasian Watermilfoil because every segment that breaks off during the raking will become a new plant. Chemicals can control non-native and native species weeds but chemicals will not stop nutrients from entering the lake. Agricultural practices that prevent run-off and a lake sewer system would decrease the nutrients entering the lake. Mollie Gaggin notedthe seasonal turnover of water and the churning of wake boats bring nutrients from the sediment up for the plants.
5. Secretary's Report
Greg Slater moved to accept the August 18, 2021, minutes, Bob Blauwkamp seconded. Passed. Paula Humphrey addressed some points from the August meeting that were reported in the Secretary's Report. In regards to fertilizer, Paula noted that Michigan law bans phosphorus.
Paula wondered if the CLA could use the Chester Township newsletter to solicit members and/or fireworks donations. Betsy Ludwick said no. Paula urged using "Conklin Next Door," "Conklin Informed,"or similar venues to publicize the CLA.
Paula also asked for more information about public input for the Chester Township Master Plan. Greg Slater said that at this point no dates have been set for public input. He repeated that the three meetings will focus on agriculture, Crockery Lake, and the public in general. Jody Hyde said that when the hearings are scheduled, every residence in Chester Township will be notified. In the meantime the Zoning Officer is holding personal interviews with township residents.
Mollie Gaggin asked what PLM's response was to not posing signs in the park about the weed spray. Pat Wolters contacted PLM which said there had been no signs posted because PLM did not spray at the park where there was no algae.
6. Correspondence
Betsy Ludwick provided cards thanking Linda Lane, Dennis Arms, and Bob Blauwkamp for their continued stewardship for providing clarity and dissolved oxygen readings in 2021. Board members signed the cards. We are all grateful for the three people doing the work.
6. Treasurer's Report
Greg Slater said the report was the same as the August Treasurer's Report because there had been no activity. Two Board members reported collecting some more memberships/donations. Betsy Ludwick will supply Boater Safety books for Board members to hand out when they solicit memberships and donations in 2022.
Pat Wolters moved to accept the Treasurer's Report, Susan McClure seconded. Passed.
7. Fireworks 2021-Update & Funding & Insurance Endorsement
Pat Wolters reported that Wolverine Fireworks will provide that same show on July 3, 2022, as it provided in 2021 for $6000. Betsy Ludwick reported she had filled out the Fireworks Display insurance forms and sent them back to Wolverine.
8. Weed Treatment Review & Update
a. There was no discussion of finding another treatment company.
Betsy Ludwick put the following information on the September 15, 2021, agenda:
b. As of September 2, 2021, the total the township paid to PLM was $8,920.
c. If there are no more treatments (and there doesn't appear there will be),
the township bills 5% ($446) to the county for the park and then puts the remainder on the lake residents' winter tax bills that we get in December.
d. The township works with PLM to determine an estimate for the next year and that amount is put in the township's budget. This is the amount that PLM cannot go over unless there is a special hearing. This is where I don't understand the relationship between PLM and CLA. I know PLM has some predetermined treatments and then (the CLA) can add to those treatments. Does the CLA help PLM determine the budget for the next year? If not, should we?
Unused monies do not transfer to the next year. The Crockery Lake residents and CLA Board Members monitor the lake for weeds and algae bloom. If it is deemed necessary, the CLA can get additional treatments beyond the scheduled treatments, which are listed in the contract between the Township and PLM. However, if the cost of the additional treatment exceeds the budget, Chester Township must hold a special hearing. Every resident is sent a letter announcing the date of the special hearing, which is both costly and time consuming. Bob Blauwkamp and Susan McClure both said the allowed maximum should be budgeted. This would give the Board leeway if the algae grows and blooms late in the summer. We cannot anticipate when a bloom will occur. Also the treatments can not be done at any given time. Some chemicals need two weeks between treatments. The weather also affects when a treatment can be done. PLM invoices go to the Township, which Jody Hyde said pays the invoice once a month. Greg Slater asked if CLA sees the contract between PLM and Chester Township. Pat Wolters said she has a copy. PLM submits a contract and the Township signs it with input from the CLA.
The CLA needs to educate residents about the types of weeds in Crockery Lake. Pat said Michigan Lakes and Streams and PLM may have flyers or cards that we could distribute to residents. Pat will pursue cards. A refrigerator magnet card was mentioned. Mollie Gaggin said she would make a flyer. Susan McClure will lend Mollie her Midwest Aquatic Plant Management Society "Plant
Reference Chart." Residents need to recognize Eurasian Watermilfoil so they do not spread the invasive plant by raking.
Pat will email Board Members the results of the deep hole survey. PLM did the survey. Board members will emailed a copy of the contract between Chester Township and PLM. Bob asked who will get the contract for the inlet testing the Board approved in August. The three inlets to be tested are at Grose Park, 2700 Van Dyke Street, and 2555 Van Dyke Street. Susan is to phone PLM to ask for the contract, determine when is the best time/conditions for testing, and how PLM will learn when the conditions for testing are optimal.
Bob and Dennis Arms are using the Secchi Disk and an instrument to measure dissolved oxygen.
10. Review & Update of Board Policies and Bylaws
Paula Humphrey was unable to have the Board Policies print on Betsy Ludwick's system. Betsy will email us copies. The Bylaws will be on the March agenda. Pat Wolters reminded Board Members that an attorney will have to look at the revised By-Laws
11. Website Report & Facebook
Betsy Ludwick has been able to use website for free for the CLA Newsletter. She has now used her free space. The Board thinks that we should pay the $10/month charge for twelve months of service. In the Winter events may happen that should be communicated to the public. From March through September a monthly newsletter is published plus updates. Bob Blauwkamp moved to use Facebook year round, Mollie Gaggin seconded. Passes.
Mollie complimented Betsy on the website/newsletter, saying, "It looks really great."
12. General Lake Cleanup
Docks and any other structures in the water must be removed by December 1, 2021. That is a Chester Township Ordinance.
Residents are reminded that leaves and grass are NOT to be raked or blown into the lake. Leaves and grass are fertilizers that feed seaweeds and algae. Fire pits are to be located away from the lake to prevent ashes from being blown into the lake. We were reminded to clean up after our dogs.
13. Around the Table
Bob Blauwkamp asked who has the copy of the Auto Owners Liability Insurance Policy. We need to clarify if the CLA is responsible for a CLA sponsored event, like a garden tour. Pat Wolters and John deGeneres had no comments.
Greg Slater had had to leave earlier.
Mollie Gaggin said she was sad about the fire at Grose Park that destroyed the storage shed and equipment and about the vandalism in the restroom.
Susan McClure said she had not yet written a newsletter article about the type of lake Crockery Lake is.
Betsy Ludwick said that since the newsletter wasn't finished, Susan had time to write an article.
Pat Wolters moved that we not meet again until March, Susan McClure seconded. Passed
Next Meeting
March 16, 2022
7 p.m.
2470 Crockery Shores Street