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September 2018 CLA Board Minutes

Updated: Oct 9, 2022

Crockery Lake Association Board

Meeting Minutes

September 19, 2018

Present: Pat Wolters, Dennis Arms, Carl Elliott, Betsy Ludwick, Bob Blauwkamp

Absent: Bruce Callen, Linda Rexford

Attending: Paula Humphrey, Jody Hyde, David Hyde, Karl Wolters, Karen Elliott, Greg Slater,

Brad Jones, Callie Melton

Vice President Pat Wolters called the Board meeting to order at 7:05.

Secretary’s Report: The Report was approved as read. (The Board and Association members

will miss Linda Lane who labored so long as a Board member—as Secretary, Newsletter editor, and in every other role [fetching water testing kits, inventorying the lake, explaining aquatic weeds in the newsletter. The list of labors goes on.) Bob Blauwkamp moved to accept; Betsy Ludwick seconded. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Bob Blauwkamp noted that contributions to the firework fund

were about $500 behind where they were at this time last year. The Treasurer’s Report is the

last one for 2018, but $776 will be paid in November 2018 for Directors Liability Insurance.

Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Dennis Arms. Second by Betsy Ludwick. Motion


Public Comment

Karen Elliott: Objected to the Board’s lack of transparency, thought having petitions opened by a four Board member committee was a mistake, criticized the CLA president, noted the “worst of the mess that has been created by the new ordinance” is now at the township level, praised Pat for listening, and urged CLA members to vote for four new Board members in May.

Susan McClure: Asked the CLA Board to look into linking a Crockery Lake public sewer to the

proposed Coopersville/Muskegon sewer.

Callie Melton: ( Owns eroding property on Hoover Street which is in

the Crockery Lake watershed. She and Jody Hyde are looking into a grant from the Grand

Valley Metro Council and Ottawa County Conservation District to control water and sediment flowing into Little Crockery. She asked that the CLA consider helping with matching funds, which most grants require.

Greg Slater: Asked for agendas to be available prior to the Board meetings, wants the meetings to be orderly, and noted that the Coopersville/Muskegon sewer line is needed due to the dairy processing plant. He believes the line will run along 68th Avenue.

David Hyde: Praised the Board for its work and the President’s leadership.

Agenda: Bob Blauwkamp moved to accept the agenda. Dennis Arms seconded. Motion carried. Motion to Accept Susan McClure to complete Linda Lane’s term and to fill the position of Secretary: Carl Elliott asked if Susan would be able to make meetings, given that she does not reside year round at Crockery Lake. Susan said that she could make the monthly meetings for the length of the term. Bob Blauwkamp moved to accept Susan to complete Linda’s term and to be Secretary. Dennis Arms seconded. Motion carried.

Questionnaires: Betsy Ludwick and Linda Lane took the questionnaires in their unopened

envelopes to the Chester Township Office. However, the township officials asked that the CLA Board open and compile the surveys. A committee of four Board members—Pat Wolters, Carl Elliott, Bob Blauwkamp, Betsy Ludwick—opened the envelopes. Betsy and Pat read the questionnaires. Bob tabulated them on a whiteboard. Carl put the questionnaires back in the envelopes. Betsy took notes and created the compilation, and sent it to the Board. The day after opening the questionnaires Bob and Pat took the opened questionnaires in their envelopes to the Chester Township office where the questionnaires were accepted. Bruce e-mailed the compilation to Jan Redding, Township Clerk. The surveys are at the township office. Betsy asked if the envelopes went back to the township office. Pat said she had taken them to the office.

Michigan Lake and Stream Conference: Pat Wolters said she would have the information for

Betsy Ludwick for the Newsletter. (Betsy Ludwick is the Crockery Lake Website Facilitator.)

Motion to Approve 2017-2018 Crockery Lake Association Policy Change (Page 6, Section 17

Internet Connection CLA Website, and CLA Facebook Site): Carl Elliott moved to delete

“approved” in “(3) generating approved general notices.” Bob Blauwkamp seconded. Betsy

Ludwick noted that getting Board approval to post notices like a missing raft would be

cumbersome. Motion carried. Motion to accept Change to Proposed Web Page/Facebook

Section of CLA Board Policies as amended by Carl Elliott. Second by Susan McClure. Motion


Time Limit on Public Comments: Each speaker during Public Comments will be limited to three minutes. It was noted that three minutes is the common length of time given to public speakers in meetings like school board and town meetings. Bob Blauwkamp noted the time limit will encourage speakers to be organized. Betsy Ludwick moved to accept. Bob Blauwkamp seconded. Motion carried.

Special Assessment District: There is no report on the status of extending the Special

Assessment District Agreement for Crockery Lake Weed Control.

Next CLA Board Meeting: Wednesday, March 20, 2019, 7 p.m.

Adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Susan McClure, Secretary


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